Little Known Facts About Disaster Insurance Adjusters
6/21/2018 (Permalink)
After a disaster, your insurance company may request you meet with a home adjuster as part of your insurance claim. Although this is a common practice, realizing the adjuster has the power to deny your claim can bring about its own type of stress. Here are a few things you probably did not know about insurance adjusters in Bowling Green, KY.
1. You have the right to hire an independent or public adjuster. Working as an intermediary, the consultant can give independent opinions, help you reach a settlement, and deal with the insurance company’s adjuster.
2. You have the right to disagree with the adjuster’s settlement suggestion. This is especially true if your claim is denied. Check your insurance policy for steps to take in disputing the claim.
3. The home adjuster works for the insurance company – not you. The adjuster will work to save his or her company as much money as possible.
4. You have the right to ask the adjuster questions. You may want to ask questions about how long the process will take or which water damage specialist to work with.
5. The adjuster has the right to ask you questions. To prepare for his or her visit and save time, gather as much documentation as you can about the circumstances of the loss.
6. The adjuster will almost always ask for records about even the smallest lost or damaged items. In the past, dishonest people have tried to inflate their insurance claims by faking lost or damaged personal possessions. For that reason, verification may be necessary. Be prepared to justify each and every claim.
Depending on the type of policy you have, the home adjuster may visit your house several times during the claim process to review the damage and restoration. Being courteous during each visit can go a long way with a weary adjuster that has listened to complaints all day. A smile may be worth a few extra dollars. You just never know.
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